a liturgy for smallness
When the world celebrates bigness, You whisper as the
Still Small Voice,
“I rejoice in small beginnings.”
So we begin again, and again.

A Holy Resilience
We had the opportunity to partner with Rebekah Lyons with her latest book, ‘Building a Resilient Life’ through the work that we do best: creating wearable artworks. We created a signature design that could be worn as a way to remind women of what a holy resilience looks like in their everyday lives.

Timeless over trendy

It Isn’t About Jewelry
What if there was such a thing as “putting on” spiritual reality — one that reminded us of who we are and Whose we are? God’s Beloved daughters.

Our Mission: Adorn the Beloved
What if what we do in the here and now MATTERS more than we know — that the tangible can be a signpost for an even deeper reality?
These pillars of truth help us do just that.

Put on Truth (& Be Faithful in the Small Things)
While the idea of designing jewelry may seem small in comparison to what we've been doing in the world of fine art, it carries with it the weight of His Word and His glory. "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..."